Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Buddhism Say about Money: Management, Saving and Spending

Money can't buy happiness, but it can allow you to live a happy and prosperous life - if you know how to manage it properly. The Buddhists' concept of dealing with wealth is one of the most rational ideas one can encounter. If you don't know how to deal with your wealth, it can ruin your life forever, and can bring unhappiness and failure, instead.

Before it's too late, learn about Buddha's concept of happiness and prosperity and be one among the countless of people who have managed their earthly possessions appropriately.

How can you do that? By following the tenets presented below:

1. "He who protects himself, protects others"

Buddhists believe that for you to be able to obtain wealth and sustain it, you have to think of the welfare of others first. When you're an employee, striving to do your best for the success of the company will benefit you eventually.

2. Your wealth must not come from "dirty money" or "blood money"

This is termed Anavajjasukha. When wealth comes from the sufferings of other people, a person can never be happy because his conscience will nag him persistently. For you to be happy and to continue being prosperous, you have to work hard for it, and prevent hurting other people in the process.

3. Avoid incurring debts, unnecessarily

You can never attain happiness and prosperity if you're up to your neck in debts. Learn how to live within your means. If you don't die without that item, forgo it. Buy only what you truly need, and you'll be happy because you'll be debt-free. This is called Ananasukha.

4. Share your blessings (wealth)

This is called Bhogasukha. Buddhists are encouraged to share whatever blessings or wealth they have with people around them. The principle of "Kamma" or "Karma" justifies this action because karmic effects result from one's actions. It's a law of nature that cannot be ignored. "What you sow is what you reap!"

5. You should control money, and not the other way around

Money must not be the end goal of your actions, but a means to an end. Use money, love people. Use money for the good of people. When money controls your every move, you become "evil" and ruthless. Eventually, you'll end up unloved, miserable and unhappy.

6. Avoid earning money through illegal business

Don't go into illegal or violent trades such as, selling drugs or weapons of destruction and human trafficking. These may be lucrative as a business, but they're not good businesses. In the end, your bad "Karma" will catch up with you, and your conscience will bother you no end. You'll end up being unhappy and miserable too.

7. Wealth should be gained through honest labor amidst a positive outlook

You'll achieve happiness and prosperity from your wealth, when it has been obtained through your honest work. Acquire the habit of optimism too, while working to achieve your dreams. You can become unhappy when you view working as a punishment and not as a positive tool to become wealthy.

8. Strike a balance between your material and spiritual aspects

These two must be balanced so that contentment and happiness can happen. If the spiritual aspect is ignored, discontentment, greed and unhappiness will result.

9. Pay your taxes

Even Buddha is aware that you have to pay your king's tax. This has legal implications too, if you don't. So, pay your taxes correctly, and you'll be on the right track.

10. Secure your wealth properly2. Duties and obligations must be fulfilled

While you're making yourself wealthy, don't forget your moral duties and obligations. Fulfill your duties to yourself, to your parents, wife, children, colleagues, friends, employer, employee, religious persons, teachers and students.
You have the duty to respect, love, support, and perform the chores that you're supposed to do. You have to accomplish these duties to each of these persons accordingly to be able to achieve your goal. When all of these obligations are fulfilled, relationships improve and happiness and prosperity naturally follows.

3. Actions that inflict pain and injury are bad actions (Ambalatthika Rahulovadasutta)

Your actions should not inflict pain, injury and suffering. If they do, they're bad actions. Likewise, good actions are those that have the opposite effect.

4. Practice the principle of anatta

The principle that other people and you are one, therefore, you should treat them as you treat yourself. This is similar to The Golden Rule: "Do to others, what you would like them to do to you."

5. Sacrifice to attain success

You'll have to learn how to sacrifice to obtain your wealth and happiness the ethical way. Nothing is permanent in this world. This indicates that you'll have to focus on the "they", just like you do with the "I."
Buddhism is an interesting way of life which deals with moderation and selflessness. The principles are sensible and can be applied to our existing society nowadays. You don't have to become a Buddhist to implement these effective principles in your life. Go for it, and live a life filled with happiness and prosperity.
Secure your wealth properly by keeping your money and belongings safe from fire, robbers, natural calamities and unworthy inheritance claimants. This is an important reminder that you have to comply with if you want to protect the fruits of your hard work.

11. Owning something can bring happiness

You can feel happy when you know you own something. This is called Atthisukha. Honestly acquired properties bring joy to the owner. As a human being, though, you should control your greed to acquire more material things than what you need.

This is where unhappiness sets in. You can never be happy because you don't appreciate what you already have but instead, crave for more to satiate your greed. Buddha warned his followers about these insatiable desires that can lead them to a life of unhappiness, discontent and depression.

To be continue 

Source:- jesseneo

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