Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What is the true nature of a human being ?

 Image result for nadungamuwa raja"

Once upon a time a king gathered some blind men about an elephant and asked them to tell him what an elephant was like. The first man felt a tusk and said an elephant was just like a giant carrot; another happened to touch an ear and said it was like a big winnowing - basket; another touched its trunk and said it was like a pestle, still another, who happened to to feel its leg, said it was like a mortar; and yet another was grasped its tail said it was like a rope. Not one of them able to tell the king the elephant's real form.

In like manner, one might partially describe the true nature of a man but would not be able to describe the true nature of a human being, which is defined as Buddha - nature.

There is only one possible way by which the everlasting nature of man, his Buddha- nature; that cannot be disturbed by worldly desires or destroyed by death, and can only be realised by Buddha's noble teaching.

We have been speaking of Buddha - nature as though it were something that could be describe, as though it were similar to the 'soul' of other teachings, but it is not.

Source : Rivira News Paper
Piicture Source:-supunwirajith 

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