Monastic rules
Most monks and nuns follow the many rules of the Vinaya-pitaka.
If a monk engages in sexual intercourse or makes a sexually suggestive
comment to a woman, the community of monks meets to discuss the
transgression. Usually the monk will be expelled automatically from the
order. Monks should avoid even the smallest hint of appearing to act in a
way suggestive of sexual misconduct. Nuns have similarly strict rules,
not being allowed to ahve men touch, rub or fondle them anywhere between
the collar-bone and the knees.
What does this mean for lay Buddhists?
What does the precaution about avoiding “sexual misconduct” mean for lay
Buddhists? Because it’s not clear where the boundaries lie, Buddhists
usually end up adopting the norms of behavior based on the culture they
are part of.
It’s universally understood among Buddhists that non-consensual or
exploitative sex is “misconduct”. Beyond this, there are a number of
ideas coming from Buddhism to consider which challenge us to think
differently about sexual ethics.
Living the precepts
The precepts are not commandments, they are principles to live by. It is up to the individual on how to apply them.
takes a greater degree of discernment than the usual “just follow the
rules and don’t ask questions” approach to religious frameworks. The
Buddha taught how to use your own judgment about such matters.
of other religions often clear and external rules are needed to avoid
people being selfish and misbehaving. The Buddhist approach leaves the
responsibility with the individual for cultivating loving kindness and
The person who acts without compassion is not a moral person, no matter what the rules are that they are following.
These are the principles to apply to sexuality when understanding the Buddhist approach to sex.
Specific sexual issues
Most religions and moral codes of the West draw a clear, bright line
around marriage. Although monogamous marriage is seen as most ideal,
Buddhism generally takes the attitude that sex between two people who
love each other is moral, whether they are married or not. On the other
hand, just because sex occurs within a marriage doesn’t mean that there
can’t be misconduct. What matters is that sex is loving and consensual,
which can occur both inside of and outside of marriage.
There are anti-homosexual teachings in some schools of Buddhism, most
of these are taken from local cultural attitudes. Buddha never
specifically addressed the topic of homosexuality. In the several
schools of Buddhism today, only Tibetan Buddhism specifically
discourages sex between men (although not women). This prohibition comes
from the work of a 15th-century scholar named Tsongkhapa, who probably
based his ideas on earlier Tibetan texts.
The Second Noble Truth teaches that the cause of suffering is craving
or thirst (tanha). This doesn’t mean we should repress or deny our
cravings. Instead, we should acknowledge our passions and learn to see
they are empty, so they no longer control us. This is true for hate,
greed and other emotions, and sexual desire is no different.
In The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics (1984), Robert Aitken Roshi wrote:
all its ecstatic nature, for all its power, sex is just another human
drive. If we avoid it just because it is more difficult to integrate
than anger or fear, then we are simply saying that when the chips are
down we cannot follow our own practice. This is dishonest and
The middle way
has a lot to teach us about sexual desire. The principles in Buddhism
teach us to focus on feeling love and compassion for other humans
beings, and ensure our actions are aligned with these feelings.
applies to how we act from feelings of sexual desire. We are not meant
to repress these feelings, and we also don’t want to let them control
us. What matters is maintaining a feeling of detachment from the desire
while ensuring that sex is undertaken with love and compassion.
a path to take where actions are aligned with deeper principles for how
to live the “good life” according to the Buddhist precepts. During a
time when Western culture seems at war with itself over sex – whether
being with rigid puritanism on one side or complete sexual freedom on
the other – Buddhist principles of sex help show us there’s a middle way
to take.
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